Comments: Torchwood Series 2 Start Date

Yes, I was annoyed at first, like most fans when the January 2008 date started to be mentioned but I've had some time now to think it over and really, though I enjoyed season one, more time to create a better focused second season can't be a bad thing.

Posted by gallowglass at September 18, 2007 1:39 AM

Apart from The Sarah Jane Adventures which starts tomorrow for a 12 week run anyway..

Posted by Mozart321 at September 23, 2007 8:47 PM

yes i was so annoyed when i found out i carnt wait 4 it 2 b back though but it will b worth the wait

Posted by Sarah at September 25, 2007 5:30 PM

i'm annoyed that it isnt starting until 2008 and it should start in september!!!!!1

Posted by timmmy at October 11, 2007 4:15 PM

i cant wait
im counting off the days
ive watched series one about 12 times
im glad it starts next year
something to look forward to next year :D

Posted by torchwood-obsessed at November 1, 2007 7:54 PM

Look at it this way, US series like Heroes are already airing in America yet we'll probably have to wait ages for series 2 AND be under threat from channels like Sky 1 buying out season 3 onwards. A lot of people don't have Sky anyway so will miss out. At least the Dr Who franchise is BBC owned and ad-free - and they've given a good reason for the delay. By the way, does the BBC have a one-sci-fi series-at a-time policy?

Posted by Veronica at November 13, 2007 12:15 PM

i cant wait til january 2008 until it starts.

Posted by torchwood-is-my-life at November 14, 2007 6:30 PM

Ohh not long to go now!
January is less then 2 months away, I really can't wait! And they've stopped filming.

Posted by D at November 19, 2007 9:12 PM

I can't wait until january to see torchwood i heard it from my friends in school when i was 13 i missed the first episode.when i saw episode 2 i loved it i CANT WAIT for series 2

Posted by Ross at November 28, 2007 4:25 PM

I'm so sorry, but I 'm seriously confused.

Has Torchwood Series 2 come out yet in the UK?

I'm in the States and I was wanting to buy as much as I could, so I was wondering if it was possible to buy it there yet. Thanks so much.


Posted by Bella at December 2, 2007 6:07 AM

omg cant wait i wish it was on now!!

at least it's on near to my birthday in january and i hope it's on that day then that would be the most fanastic birthday treat ever!!!

apart from the presents tee hee hee!!!

i didn't realise how much i wanted it to be

can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait

oh my god can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait

luvin torchwood fav character is Gwen!!!

hhhheeeeeeeeelp i'm gonna die if it isn't on!!

Posted by "The twenty first century's when it all changes. And you gotta be ready." at December 2, 2007 7:08 PM

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE TORCHWOOD because of the blood and storylines, cant wait 4 next series

Posted by jimmy at December 6, 2007 5:59 PM

loooooooove torchwood because of the funny moments especially owen oh and jack and ianto are a perrrrfect pair together lol there just so cute and cuddely when their together it makes me wanna cry, so can't wait 4 next series only a month to go so i'll be ready and waiting.

Posted by danielle vaughan at December 11, 2007 5:17 PM

Well, I Have Only Seen Clippets Of Series One, And Loved It!
I Just Bought The Boxset Of Amazon And Hope I Have Time To Watch It All Before The New Series Starts!!
I Like John Barrowman =]
Tooo Bad Eh?
Anyone Know When The Doctor Who STarts Atall?
I Cried On The Christmas Special =[


Posted by Hannah Jayne at December 29, 2007 11:28 AM

luv torchwood cant wait till it cums bk im ready 4 fit captian jack 2 come bk on wahoooooooo

Posted by amanda luvs captian jack at January 2, 2008 4:52 PM

I'm in the United States--do you guys know if the release date is still in Jan?

Posted by thistledown at January 13, 2008 4:55 AM

gah! I'm so jealous that everyone in the UK gets to see Torchwood series two ten bloody days before we do in the US... just another reason to dislike america...

Posted by Brooke at January 16, 2008 7:12 PM

I think Torchwood is the best show along side Doctor Who.My fav character is Owen. He's the best cause he's such a great fighter. Jack's pretty good too. Anyway, anyone know when Series two comes out in Canada???

Posted by Justin at January 24, 2008 11:04 PM
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